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participants from Taiwan


Professor Yen, Liang Kung

Director of the Taiwan Study CenterNational Chengchi University

ProfessorDepartment of Public Administration, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan


Dr. Yen received a doctorate from the Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin in 1990. He served as an associate professor in the National Chengchi University from 1990-1995. Dr. Yen was promoted to Full Professor in 1995. He served as Chair of the Department of Public Administration from 2001-2003. He also served as Director of the International Master’s Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, National Chengchi University from 2005-2007. Dr, Yen became the Director of the Taiwan Study Center, National Chengchi University on November, 2010. Dr. Yen’s major research areas include political economy, environmental governance, global governance, new institutionalism and methodology of social sciences.


Dr. Kao, Yuang-Kuang

Director of the Taiwan Study Center, National Chengchi University

Professor, Graduate Institute of Development Studies, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan


Dr. Kao received a doctorate in Political Science fromNational Chengchi University in 1987 and was also a Candidate of Political Science at New York University (NYU) in 1985. Dr. Kao has provided courses in the Graduate Institute of Development Studies, National Chengchi University (NCCU) since 1988. He was promoted to full Professor in 1995. Dr. Kao served as Director of Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute of Social Science and Humanities, National Chengchi University from 2000-2002 .He served as the Director of M.E.P.A (Master for Eminent Public Administrators), National Chengchi University from 2002-2004. From 2005 to 2009 he served as the Dean of the College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University. Dr. Kao was the Director of the Taiwan Studies Center from 2009 August to 2010 Oct, National Chengchi University. Dr. Kao is the current Minister without Portfolio at the Examination Yuan. Dr. Kao’s research focuses on social science methodology, comparative political institutions, local government and autonomy, local factions and Delphi Survey.


Dr. Yang, Wan-Ying

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan


Dr. Yang received a doctorate in Political Science from Michigan State University (MSU) in 1999. Dr. Yang served as an Assistant Professor in both Ming-Chuan University and National Chengchi University (NCCU) from 1999-2004. She joined the Department of Political Science, NCCU in 1999. Dr. Yang was promoted to Associate Professor in 2004. Now Dr. Yang is the Professor at the Department of Political Science. Dr. Yang’s major research areas include gender politics, democratization theory and comparative politics.


Dr. Chia-Ho Lin

Assistent Professor, College of Law, National Chengchi University Taipei, Taiwan


Im Juni 1987 hat Dr. Lin den Grad Bachelor of Law von der Juristischen Fakultät, National Chengchi University, bekommen, wovon er den akademischen Titel im Magisterprogramm, LLM, 1992 auch gekriegt. Im demselben Jahr ging er nach Deutschland, studierte zuerst in Marburg, dann in Bremen. 1997 wurde er als Doktorand im Promotionsvorverfahren zum Dr. jur bei der Juristischen Fakultät, Universität Bremen, aufgenommen. Wegen einer Blutkrebs-Erkrankung musste er nach Taiwan zurückkommen und einstweilen auf seine Promotion in Deutschland verzichten. Nach der Heilung im Jahre 2003 begann er als Doktorand in der Juristischen Fakultät, National Taiwan University in Taipei, tätig zu sein, wo er im Juni 2005 mit der Dissertation „Verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen der Deregulierung im Arbeitsrecht“ zum Dr. jur. nominiert und aufgenommen wurde. Von August 2005 bis Juli 2008 war er Assistent Professor im Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft, Chinese Culture University in Taipei. Ab August 2008 ist Dr. Lin der Lehrstuhlinhaber für Arbeits- und Verfassungsrecht in der Juristischen Fakultät der National Chengchi University. Das Forschungsgebiet von Dr. Lin: Arbeitsrecht, Theorie der Grundrechte, Politische Ökonomie des Arbeitsmarktes, Staatlichkeit im Zeitalter der Globalisierung.


Dr. Peng, Li-Chung

Director of the Graduate Institute of Development Studies

Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Development Studies National Chengchi University, Tw


Dr. Peng received a doctorate from the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Graduate Institute of Social Science and Humanities, National Chengchi University, 1995. His doctoral thesis is titled A Study on the Relation Between the Chinese National Character and Political Democratization ——Transforming Confucianism Towards Democratic Values. Dr. Peng became a member of the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Graduate Institute of Social Science and Humanities, National Chengchi University (NCCU) in 1988. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1995. Dr. Peng has served as Director of the Graduate Institute of Development Studies, National Chengchi University since August 1st, 2009. Dr. Peng has been teaching courses and conducting research in the areas of Chinese National Character, the Modernization of Confucianism and Taiwan's Development and Transformation.


Dr. Wu, Te-Mei

Professor, Graduate Institute of Development Studies, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Tw


Dr. Wu gained her Ph.D. degree from Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Graduate Institute of Social Science and Humanities, National Chengchi University in 1996. Dr. Wu currently is a Professor in the Graduate Institute of Development Studies, National Chengchi University. She was visiting scholar at Hoover Institution, Stanford University in 1997 and Institute of Asian Research, The University of British Columbia, Canada from 2003 to 2004 respectively. Dr. Wu’s research areas include China Studies, Studies on Economic and Social Development in the Southeast Asia Areas, and Infrastructure and Governance.

participants from Europe



University of Vienna
Department of East Asian Studies/Sinology
Spitalgasse 2 Hof 2
1090 Wien
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